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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
meru roots india 35
mes COLLECTION +globe 11
MCC mesch casa cosmetica 5
bacillus mesentericus to-a 5, 30, 31
mesh 42
mesh & square 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42
BHIMA +mesh 31
DOLPHIN mesh 10
ICEGATE +mesh & circle 30
MAGIC mesh 6, 7, 9
MANUCOAT wire mesh 6
max mesh 16
wire mesh 37
NITIN wires & meshes +squar 6
original CHETTIAR mess 16
MECON the message conveyor 16
MW message media 9
message 9, 16, 38, 41
RELIANCE talking message 9, 16, 38, 41
reliance talking message 38, 41
DOODLE messaging service 9
GROUP messaging service 9
ORBI-messaging 16
messenger tv +stripes 38
HUTCH messenger 16
MUNDU messenger +square 9, 38
KRISTEEL-met 7, 9
MP meta plast ENTERPRISE 18
DR. CHEN metabooster 29
metad 5
metal BIRD 12
metal CRAFT 35
metal FIELD +screw 6
metal GEMS 6
metal MULISHA 18, 25
metal check 9
metal fast 6
metal gold +triangle & star 12
metal stone +diamond circle 14
metal-INOX 6
3A metal 14
A ATUL all metal steel reed 7
ALL-metal DRIVE 7
ANTRIKSH metal corporation 6
AQUA metal primer 2
ASIAN PAINTS metal primer 2
B metal BAJRANG metal 6
B metal BAJRANG metal 6
B-FLEX metal conduits 6
BHALARIA metal craft +squar 8, 21
BLUE metal 12
CALICO metal 6
D DAIDO metal 12
DAIDO metal 7, 12
DIAMOND metal primer +girl 2
DPS sheet metal screws +bir 6
ESCOS gun metal 11
F.M.P. FANUSH metal product 12
GARG metal 20
JARSONS metal 6
JEWEL metal labels 6
JUPITER metal industries 11
KMW king metal works +king 11
KMW king metal works +man 21
M metal ORAFA 14
M metal link 6
MAHARAJA metal works 35
MAJESTIC metal +crown 20, 21
MFC metal finishing (india) 1
MONTEX CROMA twist metal pe 16
MS metal stone +diamond 14
PEARL gun metal valves 11
PMI product PRUTHI metal 21
POLYLOC rubber to metal bon 1
PRITAM metal-seal 1
PROMISE metal paste +ovals 2
RISHI metal 21
SAYANI metal works 6
SHILPA metal industries 6
SHREE KRISHNA metal corp. 6
SIMRAN metal screws +screws 6
TREASURY metal 19
UBHI metal moulding +circle 12
UNITY metal industries 21
VINAYAKA metal industries 6
VM VIJAYA metal 9
pc metal 5
right metal industries 12
x-metal 6
LAPOX metalam 1, 2
metalarc welding electrode 9
CARNAUD metalbox +circles 6, 20, 21
metallic bellows MB 6
METLAM premium metallic 19
metallica METALS INDIA 6
mylon metallics 7
dms DEEP metallurgical 16
metals & MORE +oval 6
BRIGHT metals +building 6
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